Do you have to look like Lou Dobbs to have a voice in the immigration debate?
Wearing Lou Dobbs masks and chanting 'Facts NOT Fear', 130 members of Voces de la Frontera gathered outside Milwaukee's Federal Courthouse yesterday for a lunchtime rally asking: "Do you have to look like Lou Dobbs to have a voice in the immigration debate?"
The action, which was widely featured by local and national media, also led to an approach for Voces' Christine Neumann-Ortiz to appear on Dobbs' show. Appearing live last night, she was able to firmly challenge his framing of the issue.
I was glad that several of us from the Social Action Summer Institute, held about one mile away at Marquette University, were able to attend the demonstration in front of the Milwaukee Federal Building. We were from NV, IN, CO, WI, TX, and perhaps a few other states. Our group was very impressed by the diversity and size of the crowd. Knowing that Voces was a grant recipient from Catholic Campaign for Human Development was a great reason for many of us to attend.
Personally, I was impressed by the interest that the demonstration drew from passerbys on the busy Wisconsin Avenue. Now that such pedestrians have caught a glimpse of the immigration reform movement, they might be ready to take the next step in their own education.
Keep up the good work.
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